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Voyager packages are stored in Artifactory


Voyager packages that are deployed must comply with the following path: [repository]/[group]/[package]/[version]/[arch]/

Element Description
repository The artifact repository, for example: example-generic-local
group Group folder in the repository: API, ThirdParty, ...
package Name of the package: protoc, fmt, ...
version Version of the package, can be a semver number (x.y.z) or the name of a branch
arch The architecture of the packages, see Architectures


The architecture indicates which platform the package has been made for. These are strings that are completely up to the end user. The table below provides some examples of architecture strings.

Key Description
MSVC.141.DBG.32 Visual Studio 2017 32bit Debug
MSVC.142.DBG.32 Visual Studio 2019 32bit Debug
MSVC.142.REL.32 Visual Studio 2019 32bit Release
MSVC.143.DBG.32 Visual Studio 2022 32bit Debug
MSVC.143.REL.32 Visual Studio 2022 32bit Release Golang 64 bit
windows Generic Windows
arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc-4.8.1 Arm GCC 4.8.1
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-7.2.1 Arm GCC 7.2.1
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-6 GCC 6
go.linux.amd64 Golang 64 bit
Any platform
Header Header-only packages
Source Source packages


It is possible to add properties to an Artifact, these can be used to change the behavior of Voyager. The following properties are supported:

Name Description Value
deprecated Indicate that the package is no longer recommended for use Warning message to display in Voyager