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Command reference

This chapter explains the commands that are available within voyager.


To use voyager for a project that already contains voyager.json files, run voyager install in the top level directory. This should install all the dependencies. If you want to download the runtime transitive dependencies as well, run voyager install --with-runtime-deps or shorter: voyager install -wrd.

You can search for packages by running voyager search with your query. A few example queries:

  • voyager search Interfaces/D* Search for interfaces that start with a D
  • voyager search ASD.* Search for anything starting with ASD.
  • voyager search P?.Xyz* Search for Xyz in P?

Example output:

>voyager search Jtag*
Voyager version 1.13.0
example-generic-local/API/JtagProgrammer/19.0.2 ['18.0.0', '17.0.0', '19.0.0', '19.0.1', '19.0.2']
example-generic-local/API/Jtag/13.0.0 ['13.0.0']
The first string of the search result can be copied and pasted in to the argument of the voyager add function.


You can add packages by running voyager add with a string of the package you want to add. This package is then added in the voyager.json in the current working directory. The optional --force-version argument can be passed to add "force_version": "true" to the json entry.

>voyager add example-generic-local/API/JtagProgrammer/19.0.2
Voyager version 1.13.0
Adding Library:
  Repo:    example-generic-local
  Library: API/JtagProgrammer
  Version: 19.0


To copy all the downloaded binaries (dll, so, exe) to a single directory, voyager deploy can be used. By default it will copy all the binaries to .voyager/.deploy, but the option --dir can be used to select a different directory. The option --only-runtime-deps will limit the copy to only packages that are marked with the entry "dependency_type": "runtime".
For example to copy all binaries to the Debug folder, use voyager deploy --dir Debug.

Check update

Find out which packages can be updated in the voyager.json.

>voyager check-update
Voyager version 1.16.0
Patch Update Backwards-compatible bug fixes.
 Tools/FillTemplate                      3.2.2 -> 3.2.5      "version": "3.2"

Minor Update New backwards-compatible features.
 Utils/Exceptions                        1.1.2 -> 1.2.5      "version": "1.2"

Major Update Potentially breaking API changes, use caution.
 API/I2c                                 7.0.0 -> 8.0.0      "version": "8.0"


Run voyager doc to start a local webserver that shows a listing of all the packages that contain a Doc/Readme.html file