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The voyager.json is the file that is placed in the solution and projects folder and lists all the dependencies.


  "version": 1,
  "type": "solution",
  "build_tools": [
      "repo": "example-generic-local",
      "library": "Tools/TemplateSubstituter",
      "version": "3.*"
      "repo": "example-generic-local",
      "library": "Tools/cmake-toolchains",
      "version": "1",
      "output_dir": ".voyager/cmake-toolchains"
      "repo": "example-generic-local",
      "library": "Tools/cmake-utils",
      "version": "1",
      "output_dir": ".voyager/cmake-utils"
  "libraries": [
      "repo": "example-generic-local",
      "library": "API/ExampleLibrary",
      "version": "8.*",
      "repo": "example-generic-local",
      "library": "API/JtagProgrammer",
      "version": "6.0",
      "options": ["extended-header"],
      "dependency_type": "runtime",
      "for_archs": ["MSVC.142.DBG.32"],
      "force_version": true
      "repo": "example-generic-local",
      "library": "API/SwdProgrammer",
      "version": "*",
      "override_archs": ["arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc-4.8.1"],
      "download_only": true,
      "output_dir": ".voyager/SwdProgrammer"
  "projects": ["Implementation", "Qualification"],
  "generators": ["msbuild", "cmake"]

Root elements

Element Required Description
version True The file format version, currently always 1
type True The type of the file: solution or project
build_tools False List of packages to install that provide build tools.
libraries True List of packages to install that provide libraries, can be empty array [] for no packages
projects When type:solution List of the subdirectories with voyager.json files where the type is project
generators False At solution level: Which build systems to generate files for. Defaults to ["msbuild"].

Libraries & build tools elements

Element Required Description
repo True The Artifactory repository in which the package is located
library True The package to install
version True Version to install, may contain wildcards like 3.*
options False Package specific options, more about this in the Package format
dependency_type False Dependency type for the package compile or runtime, more about this in voyager_package.json
for_archs False Only install this package when installing for one of the architectures in this list
output_dir False Override the default output directory for the package. Can be useful if the build system has to make assumptions on the path
override_archs False Override the arch for a package, install the specified arch.
download_only False Only download this package, dont include the package and dont download dependencies.
force_version False Force this version when a dependency conflict occurs. See Dependency Conflicts for more information
local_path False Use a local package instead of downloading from Artifactory. Can be a relative or absolute path. Better to use this via the Overlay file

Solution vs Project

The voyager.json has two types: solution and project. When a solution contains a single project a single voyager.json with the project type is enough. A solution with multiple projects requires a voyager file for each project and a top level at the solution.

With a voyager solution, the solution file contains dependencies that are required for both projects. On top of that each project can have it's own dependencies.

|->voyager.json (solution)
   |->voyager.json (project)
   |->voyager.props (generated)
   |->voyager.json (project)
   |->voyager.props (generated)


Voyager supports multiple generators depending on what you're trying to build. The default generator (if none are provided) is "msbuild".

Name Description
msbuild Generates .props files to add to MSBuild projects.
cmake Generates .cmake files with INTERFACE libraries for each package for the CMake build system.
packagelist Generates a voyager.h with a name → version map of all dependencies.