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The CMake generator creates files to include in your own CMakeLists.txt to load voyager dependencies. The generator requires CMake 3.13 or higher.






Generated files

Voyager generates three sets of files to include packages in your CMake project: package files, a solution file, and project dependency files.

Package files

For each voyager package, a CMakeLists.txt is generated that defines a new target with the package's components (libraries, headers, and so on) as its dependencies. The name of this target includes the path to the package and its version, for example ThirdParty-fmt-6.0.0.

Solution file

In the top-level of your project (the "solution" level, in Visual Studio terms) a single file voyager_solution.cmake is generated. This file adds all voyager packages as CMake subdirectories, allowing other projects to refer to the targets defined for each package. In your top-level CMakeLists.txt, add include(voyager.cmake) before any other add_subdirectory commands to make them available to your subprojects.

The voyager_solution.cmake file also adds a variable pointing to the .voyager directory. This can be useful to point to a build tool inside the .voyager directory for example.

Project dependency files

In each of your sub-projects, a file voyager.cmake is generated. This module defines a function target_add_voyager(<target>), which adds all dependencies for that subproject to the specified target. Include voyager.cmake and call that function on your target, and you're good to go.