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Package format

This chapter explains the package format of a voyager package


The standard layout of a voyager package looks like this. However this is fully modifiable through the voyager_package.json file. The only thing that is mandatory in a package is the voyager_package.json.



Packages are compressed using tar/gz, the extension is .tgz. To compress a package one can use the following Linux command: tar -czvf voyager_package.tgz Bin Doc Include Lib voyager_package.json



This overview gives an idea of all the functionality in the package file. For a basic package only a few fields are needed.

    "version": 2,
    "bin": ["Bin"],
    "include": ["Include"],
    "lib": ["Lib"],
    "link": ["Library.R06.lib"],
    "definitions": [],
    "options": [{
        "key": "extended-header",
        "include": ["Include", "Include-Extended"]
    "dependencies": [
        "repo": "example-generic-local",
        "library": "Interfaces/Standard",
        "version": "1.0",
        "options": [],
        "type": "compile"
    "linker_flags": ["/DEF:${package_abs_path}Lib\\Client.def"]

Root elements

Element Required Description
version True The file format version, currently always 2
bin True* List of folders that contain the binaries
include True* List of folders that contain the header files
lib True* List of folders that contain the lib files
link True* List of files to link to, files must be located in one of the lib directories
compile False List of files to compile.
definitions True* Preprocessor definitions to set
options True* List of options that override other elements
dependencies True* List of dependencies
linker_flags False Additional linker flags, has support for template substitution
* Element is required but can be an empty array [] when not needed

Options elements

Element Required Description
key True The key of the option, this is what the user provides in the options field in voyager.json
bin False Override the bin element
include False Override the include element
lib False Override the lib element
link False Override the link element
definitions False Override the definitions element

Dependencies elements

Element Required Description
repo True The Artifactory repository in which the dependency is located
library True The dependency to install
version True Version to install, may contain wildcards like 3.*
options False dependency specific options
type False Dependency type for the package compile or runtime


Options have the ability to override certain settings of the package. These options are completely package specific. Example use cases for options include:

  • Adding an extra include path for a 'secret' header (Library.Extended.h)
  • Modifying the link element to link to a static version of the library

Template substitutions

Some fields have support for template substitutions, these can be used if an absolute path is needed in a specific command. Available substitutions:

Key Substitution
${package_abs_path} The full absolute path of the package folder ending with a /